Monday 12 December 2016

Storyboard : Using videos

Story Board : 2nd Draft Idea
My first draft of a storyboard was drawing stick men and just outlining what key parts of the teaser trailer I wanted to include, I've decided that as an updated storyboard I'm going to make it using short clips of example footage.
This footage will allow me to get a sense of lighting, what kind of shots I want to use if it should be a long shot or a close up. But these shots will not all be in the actual locations I'm using for the trailer, this is mainly because I need an idea about camera composition and lighting, and some of my locations are a way out for me to use them as test footage.

1 comment:

  1. Jude - I am worried about the lack of evidence and your time-management.
    By now you should have far more visual and practical evidence - please add evidence of Cast, location, props and you animatic (as outlined in this post)
    By the first day of school please upload a timescale of the intended production so we can be sure you are being realistic about time-management and completing work
